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Copy and Paste 10 Lines Of Code And Get Up To 300% Boost In Conversions?

Before you go to bed tonight you could ( in less than 60 seconds ) use 10 lines of code on your website that could boost any page up to 300%

David Dekel Proof Bubbles

Dear online marketer,

My name is David Dekel and I am an online marketer, just like you.

I am a solo-prenuer and a developer.

I have 0 employees and just like you I rely heavily on my websites to generate the income I make.

I started as an online marketer in 2013 and by the end of 2020 I generated enough to become financially free and "retired" for a full 18 months...

My secret? I leverage technology and tools to run my business as lean and as high converting as possible and that's why you're reading this message today.

I don't know about you but I HATE paying monthly fees for software so my speciality is creating software that does not charge monthly fees.

Today I want to introduce you to a really special project that has personally helped me generate tens of thousands in additional revenue in my own business and now you can use it too.

Without changing ANYTHING else on your website, other than copying and pasting 10 lines of code that I'll be providing you.

In less than 57-seconds you could have little “proof bubbles” that popup every few seconds on any page of your site.

These create

Instant Social Proof That Drives Sales, Conversions and Actions

They are little “bubbles” that pop up on your website that show who signed up or purchased already…

I call them "Proof Bubbles"

Check it out:

Proof bubble example 3 Proof bubble example 4 Proof bubble example 1 Proof bubble example 2 Proof bubble example 5

These "Proof Bubbles" Help You To

The SIMPLEST Way To Lift Conversions...

More proof = more actions from your visitors.

And remember, it only takes 57-seconds and 5 mouse-clicks to create a campaign ( from start to finish installed and ready to go... )

Got an ecommerce store? Showcase who bought the product on the specific product page with proof bubbles...

Got a lead capture page? Add proof bubbles, and watch as more visitors submit their emails...

Selling an info product ? showcase your recent customers who took action to drive even more sales with proof bubbles...

Got a booking page...? Get even more bookings by leveraging proof on your booking page... EASY ( and only takes 57-seconds )!

Need more webinar registrations? Piece of cake, just add proof bubbles to the registration page and let the social proof do all the heavy lifting for you...

This is literally the EASIEST way to lift your conversions for any type of a page you got.

And right now you can get the best deal on this ever.

Launch Special Deal

I got the idea to make this software from a website I visited.

I looked up the software they were using and was shocked to find out these guys are charging like $79/month for their BASIC plan...

I decided not to sign up ( because I HATE paying monthly fees for software ) and instead ( since I'm a developer myself ) I created proof bubbles.

And when I saw how much it helped me and my business, I knew I had to share it because it would help a lot of people.

And, I wanted to make it afforable...

Right now, as you're reading this, as of October 2024 I'm running an initial market test.

My plan is to charge a one time price of $200 for this software with lifetime access.

But for a limited time, as a launch special, I'm offering you Proof Bubbles for



Here's What You Get:

  • 3 Campaign Capacity
  • Monthly Subscription Lifetime access to proof bubbles (See Bonus Below)
  • Use On 1 Personal Domain
  • 5,000 25,000 message capacity in a single campaign (See Bonus Below)
ONLY $197
(Lifetime Access)
add to cart button


Here's What You Get:

ONLY $497
(Lifetime Access)
add to cart button

I'm 100% confident that proof bubbles will help you lift your conversions and that it's the best investment you'll make all year.

I want proof bubbles to make you x5 times what you pay for it and if it doesn't, you risk nothing.

X5 Your Investment Guarantee

Use it on your website and if you don't make a minimum of 5 times what you invested the next year in increased conversions,

I'll refund every penny you paid...

This is a "make 5 times what you paid or get a refund" 365-day money back guarantee

But Wait... It Get's Even Better With These Bonuses

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Account

As part of the launch special, I'll be upgrading your account to include lifetime access.

This means, no monthly fees ever!

This is software you'll be using on a daily basis and the return on your small investment to get this will pretty much be infinate with the lift you'll get in conversions

BONUS #2 - Lifetime Updates

Forget about paying for "updates"...

As the software matures I'll be including updates for you as part of this launch special.

Nothing for you to click or download or upload, its all seemlesly done in the background without you having to lift a finger... :)

And that's another reason you should join right now.

BONUS #3 - 5x Message Capacity

Join right now and I'll also be 5x'ing your message capacity from 5,000 to 25,000 messages for a single campaign (beginner plan) and from 10,000 to 50,000 (business plan)

You get a x5 your investment guarantee PLUS x5 your message capacity per campaign.

Get Started Now, Have Your First Campaign Installed In 57-seconds FLAT...



Here's What You Get:

ONLY $197
(Lifetime Access)
add to cart button


Here's What You Get:

ONLY $497
(Lifetime Access)
add to cart button

See you inside the members area!


This launch one-time special deal is only going to be valid for a short time period since I'm doing a market test and I have every intention to raise the price...

... so if you want the best possible deal ever, get Proof Bubbles now while it's at its lowest price ever and start enjoying the conversion boost even before you go to bed tonight...

Yes David! I Want The Lifetime Special Deal!

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: "Is Proof Bubbles EASY To Use...? I'm Not That Techincal..."

1000000000000% YES

It literally takes like 5 clicks and for you to just COPY and PASTE 10 lines of code I provide you to your page

After you do that, you're ALL SET!

There is ZERO maintanance required after you install, and the whole thing takes like 57 seconds...

QUESTION: "What If I Need More Than 3 Campaigns...?"

If you're a "power user" and need more than 3 campaigns get the business plan, its unlimited campaigns and you can even use it on your clients / team members sites.

It's the best option if you are a "power user"

QUESTION: "How Many Domains Can I Use Proof Bubbles On...?"

You can use Proof Bubbles on 1 personally owned domain with the beginner plan.

For "power users" with multiple domains use the business plan, this plan includes unlimited domains (even client domains)

QUESTION: "Does Proof Bubbles Work On Any Webpage...?"


Any webpage you add the code to will work, regardless of the platform you use.

HTML, Wordpress, Clickfunnels, Weebly, Wix, Leadpages... Literally ANY Platform

QUESTION: "This Looks Like GREAT Software... Why The Rediculously Low Price...?"

You're 100% right!

It is GREAT software which I've been using in my business for a long time and enjoying high-conversions

And it IS a rediculously low price...

And the reason is simple, for the release of this software I'm doing a market test to check different prices... and...

... I want as many users as possible so I can get testimonials for the software.

So this is a GREAT opportunity for you to get in at a low one-time price, get GREAT software that will actually help you...

... and I get another happy customer and a testimonial.


Yes David! I'm Totally IN! This Is TOO GOOD to Pass...